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About us

Association of Photographers of Georgia (APG) is the FIAP Operational Member and represents GPU in Georgia.
APG’s members are professional and amateur photographers from all over the world. We serve to photography since 2008 and do all our best to help photographers to enhance their professional skills and achievements.
We organize International salons and circuits since 2016 and have great partners from many countries.
We offer APG distinction system to our participants with a certificate, ID card and beautiful pins. We are proud that more than 50 International photographers hold APG distinctions like as AAPG, EAPG, RAPG, GMAPG and Hon.FAPG.
We offer APG recognition to photo clubs and salon organizers with crafted medals and Honorable Mentions.
We are proud that many of your participate in our salons and circuits and share their stunning photos.
We hope, we will see your magnificent jobs again and again.


Best regards,
Nino Mghebrishvili

Salon organizer, FIAP Liaison officer



We always send all medals & other awards on time however sometimes post can lose your awards. In this case please email us and we will send you a new award. We try to make everything on time. This is our main priority. We have not announced results later than on the day of notification. But we try to make it as earlier as possible. We try to answer all emails as quick as possible. Usually during 1 working day. Sometimes we need some time to process your request. Our time zone is GMT+4